Mia and April are OUR wigglebutts. They are both rescue dogs from Camp Cocker Rescue.
Here are their stories:
Mia was born on April 7, 2013 along with 6 other puppies from a petite blonde cocker spaniel named Tasha. Tasha was pulled from a high kill shelter in Downey, CA by Camp Cocker Rescue. In addition to being pregnant and about to deliver, Tasha also had advanced pneumonia. Camp Cocker checked her into a veterinary hospital so she could get oxygen and veterinary care 24/7. Tasha gave birth just 12 hours after Camp Cocker took possession of her. She was in so much respiratory distress that giving birth nearly killed her. Sadly, only two of the puppies survived, Mia and her sister Summer were both bottle fed every two hours by a Camp Cocker volunteer. The volunteer who had bonded with the puppies adopted Summer and we fostered, then adopted Mia (originally named Winter). Tasha recovered from her pneumonia and was later adopted as well. Here is a cute little video of Mia and Tasha pre-adoption.
April was rescued September 2014 by Camp Cocker from the Coachella, CA animal shelter. She had arrived at the shelter after being found on the side of the road having been hit by a car. She had life saving emergency surgery and sadly ended up losing her left hind leg. Here's a video of April's story and recovery. We fostered April for a short time which turned into a "foster fail" because we she fit in so well with our family that we permanently adopted her too. April is a superstar. She is so easy going and just deals with whatever is thrown at her. For example she hates the water, but for months we took her to physical therapy where she spent countless hours in the water treadmill as we worked her remaining back leg that had also been crushed by the car and needed rehabilitation. Our vet told us from her initial exams that she's convinced that prior to the accident that April was used as a breeder dog. She's now our spoiled little princess and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Together, these two run our lives and hearts. We are so lucky to be able to nurture and love them, play with and protect them and include them in our family pack. If you want to see more of what our girls are up to, we'd love for you to like and follow them on their new Facebook page Mia and April2. You can also view older posts at Mia and April here (this page is no longer updated).
We are so thankful to Camp Cocker Rescue for the selfless work they do and the unconditional love and compassion they have for not just this breed, but all dogs.
If you find yourself looking for an amazing animal charity to donate to, we truly couldn't recommend Camp Cocker Rescue high enough.
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Copyright 2016, Delight